• How would you describe your lifestyle ielts speaking?


    Life Style

    How would you describe your Life Style ielts speaking?

    Sample Answer 2I think people who live healthily always have one thing in common: they manage to strike a balance between work and life, between exercise and diet. Even when you're too busy, try to do some exercise or have some entertainment. You don't need to go to the gym and spend 2 hours doing physical activity.

    What is lifestyle called?

    noun. the habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, economic level, etc., that together constitute the mode of living of an individual or group. adjective. pertaining to or catering to a certain lifestyle: unhealthy lifestyle choices; lifestyle advertising; a luxury lifestyle hotel.

    Why is modern life important?

    The modern lifestyle has a number of advantages which includes easing peoples life, saving hundreds of peoples lives by the new development of medicine and vaccines. On the other hand different modern life style patterns have negative effects on health physically, psychologically, and socially.

    Why modern life is so stressful?

    Along with trying to do too much there's a shortage of prioritising, leading to feeling pulled in different directions in life without a real focus, goal, or purpose. This can result in feeling a lack of achievement or accomplishment and this, together with a heightened workload, is a recipe for burnout.

    What is the difference between modern lifestyle and traditional lifestyle?

    “Traditional” refers to those societies or elements of societies that are small-scale, are derived from indigenous and often ancient cultural practices. “Modern” refers to those practices that relate to the industrial mode of production or the development of large-scale often colonial societies.

    What is the importance of healthy lifestyle?

    Living a healthy lifestyle can help prevent chronic diseases and long-term illnesses. Feeling good about yourself and taking care of your health are important for your self-esteem and self-image. Maintain a healthy lifestyle by doing what is right for your body.

    What is positive health behavior?

    Improving Health Behavior. Health behavior is simply the choices people make that influence health status. These choices can include negative or positive behaviors. Some positive behaviors might include eating fruits and vegetables, washing hands frequently, sleeping for 8 hours each night, and exercising regularly.

    What is a good lifestyle?

    Good nutrition, daily exercise and adequate sleep are the foundations of healthy living. A healthy lifestyle keeps you fit, energetic and at reduced risk for disease. According to WHO, Healthy living is a way of living that helps you enjoy more aspects of your life.

    What makes a good relationship?

    Healthy relationships involve honesty, trust, respect and open communication between partners and they take effort and compromise from both people. There is no imbalance of power. Partners respect each other's independence, can make their own decisions without fear of retribution or retaliation, and share decisions.

    How do I know if Im healthy?

    Your body can tell you a lot about your state of health. The state of your nails, skin, eyes and hair provides great feedback on your well-being, indicating signs of vitamin and mineral deficiencies and can sometimes even reflect poor organ health.

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    In the middle of the brain are several structures known as the basal ganglia. Multiple other parts of the brain communicate with one another through the basal ganglia. The brain's base and back contain the cerebellum. The cerebellum is in charge of balance and coordination.

    When does balance deteriorate with age?

    Adults typically don't consider their balance until after they fall. In actuality, balance declines start between the ages of 40 and 50. Every year, one in three persons over 65 will fall, according to the National Institutes of Health.

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