• Digital RMB helps you and your business stay ahead of the curve.


    Digital RMB helps you and your business stay ahead of the curve.

    With mobile payment, everything is at your fingertips--even if you don't have a credit card or cash on hand.

    We currently use a system called cell phone payment, which is WeChat or Alipay depending on the situation. The underlying logic of this payment method is in the bookkeeping and then the unified settlement. For example, if you spend $1000 to your account, you'll record a $1000 deposit on their side. This process is actually between WeChat Bank and Neteller Bank and state-owned banks and the central bank. However, all your payment information needs to be collected because these are not settlements between WeChat Life and Neteller Bank or any other bank's backend systems.

    While the paper RMB has been around for a while, notpayment gateway system architecture many people are using it. Essentially, you register with a merchant and then give him the cash and he gives you the merchandise, but there's still a lot of tedious steps before all is settled. But then with the advent of digital money (RMB), this changed. You register your wallet at the bank, and after that mention all your money in your account to your wallet. And now cell payments and other payment method just transfer money from one bank account to another account.

    There are some views that digital RMB wallets do not pay interest and are not as good as WeChat and Alipay. But you have not thought about the effect on the banks. It's the responsibility of each institution to ensure financial market stability.

    The last point is to reduce an over-reliance on personal privacy data. Payment institutions will collect your every payment information to do identity checks for years and years, but the digital RMB wallet supports small amounts of anonymous payments and large amounts of traceable transactions, which greatly reduces the collection of private data.


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