• What are the benefits and drawbacks of vacuum cleaners, floor scrubbers, and sweepers?


    What are the benefits and drawbacks of vacuum cleaners, floor scrubbers, and sweepers?

    one vacuum cleaner

    Hoovers are essentially acquired towards the end of a remodeling when you clean up after yourself, and they are essentially employed in life to clean the nooks and crannies of sliding door tracks, sofa gaps, cabinet corners, and so on. Essentially, these are areas that cannot be cleaned with floor cleaning robots or scrubbers, and ceiling cleaning must also be done with hoovers.

    There are two types of vacuum cleaners: wired and wireless. The wired ones have strong suction power, but each time you pull out the wires, find the socket, collect the wires, and transfer to the next position, the process is tedious, the work time and preparation time are almost the same, but almost all the rubbish can be sucked away, suitable for large areas or cleaning work with few replacement locations; the wireless ones can save the above series of preparation time, b The most significant downside of a cordless hoover is that it has limited suction power, making it impossible to suck up heavy particles, necessitating a second redo or hand removal, so I sought for special funds to get a Dyson hoover after I couldn't bear it any longer.

    The impression is that the suction force is around 70% that of a wired vacuum cleaner, so as long as the particles are not very huge, they can be sucked away, especially cleaning the ceiling is much easier, no longer need to carry a heavy wires hoover work.

    The frequency of use of the two wired hoovers is now low; they mostly utilize Dyson hoovers to clean the ceiling, wooden flooring, and furniture.

    Scrubber for the floor

    I knew about the scrubber before but thought it was more repetitive than the sweeping robot, so I didn't consider it; when the sweeping robot broke down after moving last year, I bought a new scrubber from Timco because my sister had used it at home and said it was better than the sweeping robot, so I bought one to try.

    The floor scrubber has been in service for over a year, best cordless handheld vacuum for pet hairand the contrast to the sweeping robot is summarized below.

    The benefits are as follows: all types of stains and rubbish can be cleaned up in one go, regardless of the type, whether it is hair, lint, grease, rice particles, and so on, wet and dry rubbish can be cleaned up, from the inhalation of rubbish to mopping sterilization all completed, very convenient and fast; another advantage is that there is a suction function, where there is a lot of water overflow, with the suction function in a few seconds can be Once the water basin was flipped over, this function was activated, and more than a litre of water was sucked away in a matter of seconds. After a few changes, there were just water streaks on the floor after mopping, whereas a traditional mop would take at least 10 minutes.

    Disadvantages: Handheld cleanup is always required, even if the roller is motorized; there is little effort required, but time is still required.

    sweeping machine

    Sweeping robot has changed over time, from the beginning of only sweeping to the final Coors floor treasure sweeping dragging one automated charge, and the same function as the scrubber fundamentally the same only each have advantages and disadvantages.

    Benefits include: no manual operation, the ability to set the time and cleaning position, as well as replace the water, and the ability to save time.

    Disadvantages include a low cleaning degree and the requirement for manual cleaning of some stains.

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