• difficult pesticide residue to remove? Teach you three simple moves for removing pesticide residues.


    difficult pesticide residue to remove? Teach you three simple moves for removing pesticide residues.

    Every role in home cooking must consider many issues, such as how to make the meal more delicious while also keeping in mind the safety and health of the ingredients. Pesticide residues are a source of concern for many people, and pesticide residues that exceed the standard for human health have a significant impact. Which common fruits and vegetables are more likely to contain pesticide residues? How should pesticide residues be removed? Let's look at the next one.

    Which common fruits and vegetables havewater testing tds meter the highest pesticide residues?

    1. leafy green vegetables

    Green leafy vegetables contain the most pesticide residues because, when compared to other types of vegetables, they attract more pests, requiring more pesticides to be applied to the insects. These leaves are layers of wrapped vegetables, similar to some of the more complex structures of vegetables, such as cabbage, cabbage, and so on.


    Nectarine pests are common, so pesticides must be applied on a daily basis. However, pesticide residues can be harmful. Many people eat nectarines and always use water to quickly wash once on the line, which is unhealthy.

    three strawberries

    Strawberries must also be sprayed with pesticides during the production process because they contain more pesticides than other fruits. Furthermore, the surface of strawberries is not flat, but there are many seeds and small depressions; this structure means that washing strawberries is inconvenient, but it is also simple to save pesticide residues.

    How to Get Rid of Pesticide Remains

    1. Thoroughly wash

    When washing vegetables and fruits, take care not to take the water casually and wash on the line; instead, rinse with tap water and pay attention to scrubbing to get a more clean wash. Before washing, soak in salt water or alkaline water for a few minutes; do not soak for too long or pesticides will be reabsorbed by the leaves.

    2, remove the skin

    Although some fruits and vegetables contain nutrition in their skin, it is best to be able to peel off the skin in order to remove pesticide residues, which is also a good way to remove pesticide residues. For example, when eating apples, the recesses of the apples are prone to pesticide residues; however, if the apples are peeled, pesticide residues can be avoided.


    Place it in a pot and blanch it in hot water.

    Some vegetables after cleaning are insufficient to ensure that you can blanch the vegetables in a pot with hot water this time. Heat can promote pesticide degradation, and high temperatures can also kill viruses and bacteria, making eating more comfortable.

    Pesticide residue is a daily concern that must be addressed; otherwise, the accumulation of a small number of body violations will, sooner or later, become a major issue. These few common fruits and vegetables pesticide residues will be higher, regardless of the type of fruits and vegetables, and should be thoroughly cleaned before eating.

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