• Palletizing in International Logistics: Understanding, Types, and Best Practices



    In international logistics, cargo transportation is often required to be palletized. So, what is the meaning of hitting the pallet? The following small editorial take you to understand.

    First, the definition of palletizing

    Logistics in the pallet is to facilitate loading and unloading handling, reduce cargo loss and cargo difference, improve the efficiency of the box, reduce logistics costs,perkhidmatan penghantaran and a certain number of scattered goods into the form of a pallet - that is, from the bulk goods into the pallet of goods in the process. In short, it is to put the goods on the pallet code, playing plastic strip fixed, and then wrapped in a circle of plastic film to strengthen the outer layer of waterproof. Pallet in practice is often called "cardboard".

    Similar to containers (sea containers, and air containers - ULD), the pallet is also a containerized equipment. It is now widely used in various industries, especially in transportation, warehousing and distribution. The pallet is considered to be one of the two key innovations in the logistics industry in the 20th century (the other key innovation being the container, especially the sea container).

    Pallet (pallet) and forklift (forklift), or hand-pushed flatbed truck, or hydraulic truck (commonly known as ground cattle) with the use of logistics can greatly improve efficiency, and reduce cargo loss cargo difference, in logistics plays an immeasurable role.

    Second, the common classification of pallets

    1. Wooden pallets: natural wood as raw materials for the manufacture of pallets.

    Advantages: cheaper, relatively simple maintenance.

    Disadvantages: not fireproof, not waterproof, susceptible to moisture, prone to insects, perishable. Exports need to be processed and handled, more formalities, increasing business costs.

    2. steel pallet: also called metal pallet or iron pallet, made of steel or galvanized steel.

    Advantages: fumigation-free, sturdy structure, high load-bearing capacity, strong impact resistance.

    Disadvantages: self-important, easy to rust, easy to corrode, expensive, can only be used in specific industries.

    3. Plywood pallet: also known as composite pallet, fumigation-free pallet, the material is made of plywood or composite board material.

    Advantages: no insects, fumigation-free, sterilization-free, not subject to time constraints.

    Disadvantages: low carrying capacity, not fireproof, not waterproof, a lot of glue, can not be used in the formaldehyde emission of strict market.

    4. bamboo pallet: natural bamboo as raw material, processed and made of environmentally friendly fumigation-free pallet.

    Advantages: fumigation-free, recyclable, easy to maintain, the product's price competitiveness is very strong, waterproof, mildew-proof, insect-proof, green building materials, and the concept of environmental protection in the same line. Performance, load-bearing capacity is higher than the wooden pallet, processing and customization convenience.

    Disadvantages: the appearance of neatness needs to be improved, the corners are prone to burrs. Difficult to large-scale, high-volume production.

    5. Plastic pallet: PP (polypropylene) and HDPE (polyethylene) two environmentally friendly materials injection molding and blow molding of the tray.

    Advantages: fumigation-free, neat appearance, easy to clean, easy to disinfect.logistics news today The service life of non-human damage up to 5 years, and can be recycled and reused, modern plastic pallets can be customized specifications size.

    Disadvantages: Some traditional plastic pallets have high cost, low strength and poor impact resistance. There are some limitations in structure and size. There are some requirements on the temperature of the use environment.

    6. Plastic wood pallet: the use of plastic wood materials (WPC), through the assembly of various specifications of the pallet.

    Advantages: fumigation-free, overall beauty, easy to clean, high strength, acid and alkali resistance, corrosion resistance, no moisture, mildew, insect and antibacterial, recyclable and reuse.

    Disadvantages: higher price, applicable to a limited number of customers.

    7. Paper pallet: It is a pallet made of honeycomb cardboard stamped by special stamping equipment and molds.

    Advantages: fumigation-free, 100 percent recycling efficiency, light weight, high strength, shock absorption, sound absorption, no nails, no moths, good rigidity, flat surface, high stability, good cushioning, less material.

    Disadvantages: small carrying capacity; moisture resistance, poor anti-collision, non-recyclable.

    Third, playing pallet operation steps

    The first step: first of all, the preparation of materials: pallets, stretch film, packing tape;

    The second step: followed by workers yardage: the yardage will be divided into 4 flowers, 5 flowers, 6 flowers, etc., according to the proportion of goods and pallets for appropriate distribution;

    The third step: Finally, the packing tape (if the customer needs) wrapped film: can play a fixed goods do not fall apart,ship cost but also can play a role in moisture, the main thing is to facilitate loading and unloading.

    Fourth, hit the pallet notes

    1. the goods on the pallet label to face out, so that the bar code on each carton can be scanned without moving.

    2. cargo pallet use, pallet fork to be in the aspect of equipment turnover handling place, in order to cooperate with the use of equipment.

    3. When stacking cargo, it is not recommended to exceed the edge of the pallet, try to choose the size and type of pallet more suitable for this commodity;

    4. Do not use damaged or unknown pallets;

    5. when a pallet with a number of different categories of goods shipped, the goods will be packaged separately so that it is not easy to cause errors in the receipt of goods. It is recommended that signs be posted to indicate the different types of goods. 6.

    6. It is recommended that the heaviest items be stacked at the bottom of the pallet of goods;

    7. do not allow cartons to extend beyond the edges of the pallet;

    8. palletizing must be close enough to the standard height to allow for pallet gaps and stacking opportunities.

    9. Wrap the cartons with wrap to ensure that the wrap completely covers the merchandise on the pallet, which prevents moving goods from falling during transportation and ensures that the stacked pallets are stable during transportation.

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