• Digital printing how to choose the PDF electronic document printing workflow program?



    First, how to choose a workflow solution

    Whether it is a small solution, or only produce a single product enterprise-class system, or a complete end-to-end workflow, can provide a variety of solutions. Currently, many solutions in terms of capacity, application scope and functionality are feasible, but to find the best workflow solution to meet specific needs is not easy.

    In the purchase of PDF workflow solutions,pdf to word converter offline software free download full version users must first consider whether the selected workflow can be integrated into the existing workflow, and then consider the purpose of producing PDF documents, how to produce PDF documents. If only through the network transmission without the need to print PDF files, you can use RGB images, image resolution can be very low, no fonts, not only faster transmission, Internet browsing better, and can not be printed out.PDF is a good transmission format, but it does not solve all the problems of pre-press, proofing, typesetting and output. If you want a successful PDF workflow, you must consider how to handle the PDF file, how to save it, and how to network or proof it. There are many ways to generate PDF files in current desktop publishing systems, and there are a variety of methods you can use to generate PDF files, some of which are inappropriate, considering whether it is appropriate for the type of workflow required, where editing fits into the workflow, and whether you want the edited file to be completely locked down by a specific time. Finally, pay special attention to collage. Many typesetting workflows are not compatible with PDF.

    You have to consider how you edit and compose the file so that it really applies to the best PDF workflow.word to pdf converter online i love pdf Also consider whether the enhanced PDF tools available in PDF utilities are more practical.

    Second, the challenges faced

    With the continuous improvement of information technology, PDF work management process has been a widely used, but also faces challenges.

    1. Dependence on the original document

    PDF provides many advantages for the workflow, and the use of first-in, first-out logistics rules, so that document producers can use the resolution of the image is not correct, and remove unnecessary fonts and images. However,merge word documents online i love pdf PDF also has some drawbacks, such as the discontinuity between reliability and edibility. The printer needs more time to correct the text before the document scaling is complete. When setting unembedded fonts or connecting the correct image resolution, they want the document editable. If the printer wants to change the content of the document more, he needs the original document rather than a PDF document.

    2. Compatibility with different formats

    In the workflow, when running with the latest PDF version is not compatible with the latest version of traditional printing equipment, the application file is particularly useful. At this time, PostScript files must be stored, or must be returned to save as an old PDF file. Each step in the PDF workflow must have the ability to process PDF files according to their requirements. In the processing of TIFF-IT file format print advertising, the content of the document can not be changed, and even the file can not be opened, only in the workflow to pass.

    3. Compatibility with the RIP

    RIP is crucial in the printing workflow. Since vector information must be converted to rasterized data through RIP, it also includes interpretation methods. Different vendors have different RIP interpretation algorithms, all of which are subject to a certain degree of error. If you receive a PDF file from a client using some application program and then send it to the RIP, it will be converted to use the RIP-specific interpretation algorithm, and even if the PDF file is not RIP-compatible, the client defaults to using the PDF workflow. At the same time, some clients may use TIFF-IT files, which are very large, but they trust the format 100% and still output and store them that way.

    With the large increase in the number of non-traditional clients, many other vendors have introduced the RIP to adapt to the community's various ways of different data file system types, and we hope that the RIP can do more things, such as generating, editing, modifying, and printing PDF files, and so on.

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