• There are five household tips to deal with life problems


    There are five household tips to deal with life problems

    As a senior family girl, in order to make herself free from domestic anxiety, spare more time to improve herself, devote herself to paid work, and continue to speculate in life, she summarized five tips and shared them as follows:

    1. Adjust the order of housework, learn to Moschino Kids HK wash dishes, and get twice the result with half the effort

    Washing bowls is one of the most hated chores for most people, and no one likes washing bowls.

    So am I.

    The household chores of washing dishes generally include several processes, such as combing the table, cleaning the stove, washing dishes and pans, and mopping the floor.

    My previous method was to brush the bowl first, and then comb the rest. After each meal, when I look at the mess in the restaurant and kitchen, I feel upset. We have to suppress this kind of anxiety from beginning to end every time, until the completion of the project, we can take a long breath of relief. I think most people should be like me. In the long run, it turns out that people dislike and even worry about washing bowls.

    Later, I tried to change the working procedure. First, I cleaned the periphery of the table and the stove, and then went to wash the dishes. Unexpectedly, it was much easier.

    That way, we can make some parts clean and tidy first, complete them in steps, have short-term results, generate positive incentives, and also resolve the pressure, so the natural mood will be easier.

    Just like our work, it is more efficient and scientific to complete according to the division of labor and different areas than to complete according to the progress step by step.

    First, tidy up the table, clean up the stove, and go to wash the dishes. The work has been completed by two-thirds. If progress is effective, it will not be too upset. If you wash the dishes first and then sort them out together, you best electric mop for laminate floors will only finish 100% at the last moment, and your mood will be irritable and upset.

    2. One mind and two uses to do housework

    Anything that doesn't need to be concentrated and can be used for two purposes can be done while doing housework.

    For example, when washing bowls, you can brush dramas; When cleaning, you can listen to online courses; You can watch movies when ironing clothes; Be able to listen to English when mopping the floor. In short, try to integrate leisure activities and housework, so as not to waste time, but also make housework not boring and painful.

    3. Find handy household tools

    Be sure to have handy and practical household tools. Such as range hood cleaner, bathroom shower door cleaner, brushes with different length, size and purpose, and a robot sweeper. Easy to use tools, can efficiently complete housework, save time and no burden.

    4. Do housework in blocks according to intervals

    This concept is somewhat similar to the principle of the previous order of bowl brushing.

    It is more efficient to clean by area than by type. Partial completion has immediate effect feedback, which will generate a positive incentive mentality and help to complete the housework with ease and pleasure.

    For example, divide the areas clearly and sort them according to their importance, workload size, habits and other personal wishes. It is hong kong universities ranking better to complete each area one by one than to complete one point in each area.

    It can also be sorted out step by step according to the family movement chart.

    5. Formulate short-term and long-term cleaning plans, and plan without anxiety

    Housework is endless. As long as you look carefully, you can't stop at any time.

    Therefore, there must be an overall plan. Once there is a plan, strict implementation of the plan will prevent daily anxiety.

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