• 6 common ways to drink whiskey


    6 common ways to drink whiskey

    1. NeatorStraight

    This way is the most respected drinking method by professionals. Pour the liquid directly into the whisky glass, without adding any substance, and taste it directly and slowly. This way of drinking can make the whisky's characterwhisky course straight to the senses, but also to better appreciate the original taste of whisky.

    2.Add ice (OntheRock)

    The purpose of adding ice is to reduce the stimulating taste of alcohol in the liquid, so in the taste of heavy whisky, you can add ice to drink. However, the principle of adding ice is also a matter of concern. General ice water to some extent affect the taste of whisky. The best choice to add ice balls - melting time is long, in the short term will not affect the taste of whisky.

    3. Mizuwari (Mizuwari)

    Mizuwari method originated from Japan. In Japan, 80% of people choose to drink whisky in this way. Mizuwari method is to put some ice in the glass first, and then pour the whisky into the glass with ice in the ratio of 1:2.5. This way of drinking can make the whisky's flavor and its taste reach a proper balance point. For these single malt whiskies with high alcohol and strong flavors, you can add some crushed ice when applying the water-cut method.

    4. Point of water (WithWater)

    The main purpose of the water is to reduce the whisky's ethanol over-stimulation of the nose, to amplify the flavor and aroma of the whisky itself. According to the theory, the whisky diluted with water to 20% of alcohol is the best state to stimulate the flavor of whisky. Therefore, adding the right amount of water will not dilute carpet and hard floor steam cleanerthe original taste of whisky, but also reduce the stimulation of alcohol, so that the whisky is easier to taste, but also to stimulate the hidden flavor and aroma of whisky, so that the layers of richer.

    5. Highball (Highball)

    Highball is the common name for cocktails made from spirits, and is one of the most popular ways to drink in the last decade. To make a highball is very simple, just pour whiskey and soda into a glass filled with ice to get an authentic highball.

    6. HotWhiskyToddy (HotWhiskyToddy)

    Hot toddy is a cocktail drink that includes Kids21 spirits, water, sugar or honey, yao herbs and spices, and is served hot. Traditionally, hot toddy is drunk in the evening, especially on cold or wet nights. Whether it's to chase away the cold from your body or to relieve a cold, a hot toddy is the way to go.

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