• Exploring Blockchain


    Exploring Blockchain

    So, what's the difference between a new ledger like blockchain and the old traditional ledger? For example, if a customer spends $200 in a mine box restaurant, if the traditional way of doing the accounting is used, the restaurant accountant can find a way to record only $100 in the account and put the remaining $100 in his pants pocket. Then the boss can know? Maybe he can, but the traditional books of accounts are very difficult to trace and correct errors, and the problem of false accounts is prominent.

    And blockchain can be a good way to prevent the problem of false accounts. In the same scenario, the blockchain application can "take a picture" of the accounting information, so that the back and forth of the sale is interlocked. When the chain is very long, it is very difficult to forge. Moreover, each node in the blockchain has a certain degree of self-awareness, so falsifying the records of one node will not affect the records of other nodes. At the same time, when a node questions the record of another node, the remaining nodes can act as "witnesses" and provide reliable and diverse reference evidence for the entry and exit of the two nodes in the record. Simply put, in other words, blockchain is antminer s19 pro alibaba a "ledger" that is difficult to forge, difficult to renege on, and good for correction.

    In practical application, mistakes are inevitable, but under the premise of non-tamperability, does it mean that the whole blockchain is invalid or collapsed if mistakes are made? Actually, it does not. Although it cannot be deleted or falsified, we can mark the wrong information as "invalid" and start from scratch. Such "invalidation" will also be copied to other nodes for recording.

    Blockchain is not like the obvious technology like artificial intelligence, its application is easily "seen" by people, and many people do not know exactly what industries it can be used in. In fact, the application of blockchain is still very wide.

    Unlike artificial intelligence, blockchain is sometimes difficult to see directly|Pixabay

    In the food safety industry, blockchain provides a new solution for how to ensure the quality of food products and to achieve accurate information in all aspects of production, processing and sales. For example, a can of milk powder is usually marked with information such as production time and manufacturer, and there is a limited amount of content that can be printed on it. If the blockchain application is combined with the barcode, we will be able to obtain not only some basic information, but also, for example, the identification report of the milk powder, and even the real signature on the identification report. Blockchain can create a complete, detailed and diversified chain of traceability information, which greatly increases the difficulty of counterfeiting and can provide a strong credit endorsement for customers.

    In the patent and other property rights industry, gtx 1080 ethereum hashrateif we use blockchain application to carry out work deposition or judicial deposition, the evidence will become very reliable because the blockchain application itself has tamper-evident and traceability, and the evidence of rights maintenance will become easier and more efficient. Similarly, blockchain application can also provide a new way for "authenticating" some cultural relics, eliminating the limitation of having to rely on identification experts.

    In business cooperation, blockchain application can also provide a new way to obtain evidence for contract disputes. As we know, in formal contracts with more page numbers, people usually put a stamped seal to prevent others from forging the whole page of the contract. To a certain extent, a contract using blockchain technology is like "stamping a tight seal" between each character. Similarly, in property notarization, blockchain application can not only save the cost of fair labor, but also ensure the authenticity and legality of signing agreements and testamentary letters.

    In the field of health care, blockchain application can cooperate with the technology of electronic medical records to break the information barriers between different hospitals and complete the sharing of medical information. In this way, patients can avoid repeated tests and reduce the pressure of medical expenses; doctors can also easily obtain reliable and complete medical records and avoid wrong diagnosis caused by missing information or wrong transmission. At the same time, it can also enhance the resource allocation of the whole medical system and improve the operational efficiency of the medical system.

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