• The body's immunity is low, you should timely supplement these 5 nutrients


    proteinLow immunity means that the immune system is unable to play its protective role properly. This condition can easily cause bacterial, viral, fungal and other infections. So low immunity easily causes frequent and repeated colds and coughs, fatigue and weakness. There are many reasons for low immunity. Firstly, it is the bad living habits, such as irrational diet, little exercise, lack of sleep, and secondly, it is the living environment problems, such as air pollution, water pollution, pesticide and hormone residues in food. But in general, malnutrition is one of the main causes of low immunity. The lack of these five nutrients will lead to low immunity.

    First, protein

    Protein is the body's own immune system function of the material and cultural basis, is a variety of different immune organs, immunosuppressive cells, immune regulatory factors, an important part of the composition of the main components. Protein intake is insufficient and affects the repair of immune organs and tissues, especially for the repair of skin and mucous membranes, which directly affects the ability of corporate defense to resist external viruses and bacteria, and is prone to develop and cause the reproduction and proliferation of pathogenic bacteria, which induces a variety of psychological disorders in students. With the improvement of economic living and working conditions, the lack of technology between proteins has been uncommon, but unbalanced diet, poor intestinal absorption and sick recovery in the more likely to lead to the emergence of. In particular, proteins rich in glutamine and arginine are more beneficial to help the body's immunity to continue to improve themselves. Although there is no food there is a higher protein, but also contains a relatively high fat, especially the poor intestinal tract and three high people, want to get the proper protein and do not want to consume too much fat, it is recommended to choose the appropriate supplement whey protein concentrate, whey protein concentrate is not only digested and absorbed well, but also contains a lot of rich arginine and glutamine, especially suitable for our children and the elderly to eat.

    Functional polysaccharides

    Functional polysaccharides include active polysaccharides and oligosaccharides.

    1、Active polysaccharide

    Including our plant polysaccharides, such as ginseng polysaccharides, lycium polysaccharides, astragali polysaccharides and so on. Including polysaccharides from our edible mushrooms, such as shiitake mushroom polysaccharides, poria polysaccharides, monkey head mushroom polysaccharides and so on. Includes polysaccharides from microorganisms, such as glucan from yeast. Polysaccharides are active substances isolated and extracted from animal, plant and microbial cells, and have the effect of repairing damaged cells, activating the immune system, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, anti-fatigue, and delaying aging.

    Polysaccharide is an internationally recognized healthcare raw material drug, widely used in clinical treatment and daily healthcare. Especially polysaccharides from edible mushrooms have been proved to have the effect of improving the immunity of the body, which not only improves the immunity of the body, but also reduces the toxic side effects of drugs and prolongs the life of patients. In Europe, Japan and other developed countries, polysaccharide substances are also used as a necessity for anti-flu and anti-virus, especially for middle-aged and elderly women, who like to take long-term anti-aging and keep their skin glossy and elastic. Especially suitable for long-term sedentary, sub-healthy office women friends.


    Oligosaccharides are mainly prebiotics, such as oligofructose, oligogalactose, oligosaccharides and so on. They can significantly improve the composition of intestinal flora and increase the intestinal short-chain fatty acid content, thereby improving intestinal immune homeostasis and barrier function, and thus enhancing host immunity. If dietary fiber intake is insufficient, consider adding some oligosaccharides.

    Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids

    Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids cannot be synthesized by the human body itself and must be provided through food. Algae oil, fish oil and flaxseed oil are rich in omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids. It regulates the immune response mainly by altering the composition of cell membranes and regulating cell signaling.Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids are a component of cell membranes, which enhance human immunity by altering the content in cell membranes, affecting the structural integrity, stability, and fluidity of cell membranes, and influencing cell motility, receptor formation, and binding of receptors and ligands.Omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids can not only enhance immunity, but also enhance intelligence and brain, especially for infants and children. It is also beneficial in promoting cardiovascular health and relieving joint pain and discomfort. If we do not consume the right amount of omega-3 unsaturated fatty acids in our diet, we can consume them in moderation.


    Probiotics are a group of active microorganisms that are beneficial to the host by colonizing the body and changing the composition of the flora in a certain part of the host. By regulating the immune function of the host mucosa and system or by regulating the balance of intestinal flora, promoting nutrient absorption, maintaining intestinal health, thus producing a single microorganism or a mixture of microorganisms with a clear composition that is beneficial to human health. The own structure of probiotics, such as peptidoglycan and lipophosphatidic wall acid, etc., can be used as antigens to play a direct role in immune activation or stimulate the host immune system through autocrine immune activators, thus improving the immunity of the animal, enhancing the activity of innate immune cells and natural killer cells, activating the dendritic cells, stimulating the organism to produce cytokines, and stimulating the B-cells to secrete antibodies. Probiotics can stimulate the intestinal tract to produce secretoglobulin A (SIgA), which protects the body's health. If you take more antibiotics or other medications that are harmful to the intestinal flora, you can supplement some probiotics appropriately. In addition, if intestinal discomfort, such as constipation, diarrhea, colic, etc. , you can also try to supplement the appropriate probiotics.

    V. Vitamins and minerals

    Mainly vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E and iron, zinc, selenium and other minerals

    Vitamin A

    Vitamin A plays an important role in the immune system. Vitamin A deficiency can cause respiratory, digestive, urinary and reproductive epithelial cell keratinization, destroying its integrity, susceptible to bacterial invasion, increasing the body's susceptibility to respiratory and intestinal infectious diseases. Foods rich in vitamin A are mainly animal livers, such as sheep liver, pig liver, chicken liver and so on. Plant foods can only provide vitamin A-like pro-carotene, which can be converted into vitamin A in the body. Carotene is mainly found in dark green or reddish-yellow vegetables and fruits, such as carrots, spinach, celery, mango, sweet potatoes and so on.

    2、Vitamin C

    Vitamin C is the body's autoimmune analysis system essential vitamins, can be carried out in many ways to enhance the ability of the student body to fight infection, the lack of which will certainly make our immune control system management system to achieve a reduction in function.ARA Vitamin C is collagen synthesis essential auxiliary enterprise substances, can effectively improve the patient body internal organization of foreign pathogenic bacteria blocking social role. Vitamin C can also act as a promoter of the production of relevant lymphoblastoid cells and immunomodulatory factors. Vitamin C can promote the production of interferon, inhibit the synthesis of new viruses, and have antiviral therapeutic effects. Fresh vegetables and fruits are a rich source of food data for vitamin C.DHA Such as pin cherry, fresh dates, green peppers, kiwi, spinach, hawthorn, citrus, grapefruit, strawberries and so on.

    3、Vitamin D

    By inhibiting the proliferation of prokaryotic cells, indirectly stimulate the proliferation of monocytes, promote monocytes phagocytosis macrophage transformation, play the role of scavenger.β-carotene Vitamin D is found in marine fish, animal liver, egg yolk and lean meat, skim milk, cod liver oil, cheese, nuts and seafood.

    4、Vitamin E

    Vitamin E can improve the body's immune function and increase resistance to infection. The main food sources of vitamin E are vegetable oils, germ of plant seeds, nuts, beans and cereals.


    Iron deficiency can lead to anemia and reduce the ability to resist infection. Iron-rich foods include: animal blood, liver, soybeans, black fungus, sesame paste and other iron-rich foods.

    6, zinc

    Zinc has a variety of physiological functions, especially for the development of the immune system and the maintenance of normal immune function. Moderate intake of zinc can enhance the children, the elderly and some special patients with immune function, the gastrointestinal tract and respiratory tract infectious diseases and parasitic disease prevention and treatment has an important role. Shellfish seafood, red meat and animal offal is a good source of zinc.


    Selenium can exist in almost all of our immune tissue cells, selenium supplementation can be significantly improve their own immunity. In recent years, studies have found that selenium intake below the optimal amount can impair the development and function of the immune control system, so that the ability to fight infections continues to decline. It has been shown that vitamin E and selenium act independently of each other on the immune management system, but being able to give vitamin E and selenium at the same time can have a synergistic developmental effect on strengthening the immune response, and conversely, simultaneous deficiencies can lead to a significant decrease in the immune response. Beans and meat are good economical sources of selenium.

    How to evaluate your nutritional deficiency

    According to current practice, there are three main methods for evaluating nutritional status:dietary intake evaluation, biochemical index measurement and apparent symptom detection. In addition, due to the low content and wide distribution of nutrients in the body, it is difficult for a single test to make an inaccurate and comprehensive evaluation. It is definitely not a simple downward arrow on a nutrient determination table or a simple appearance. If you really suspect that your or your family's uncomfortable symptoms are caused by nutritional deficiencies, please go to a regular hospital for a comprehensive examination.

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